Swimming Pathways

The Learn to Swim program has many layers.
  • All levels are skill and technique based
  • All classes are conducted by national accredited swimming teachers
  • Mainstream classes are 30 minute sessions (Frog 1 – Turtle)
  • Advanced classes are from 45 to 60 minute sessions (Dolphin - Shark)
  • The main objectives of each level are outlined at the Aquatic Centre
  • Frequency and regularity of attendance for any child to progress through the program is essential as this has a major impact on the rate of development
  • Assessments and promotions

Group Levels

Jellyfish, 30 min lessons. Babies 6 - 18 months (Maximum of 8 children per class)

A program taught together with both parent/guardian and child. Offering a fun introduction through activities that provide:

  • Water familiarisation, confidence and safety
  • Breath control and submersion
  • Mobility and flotation


Tadpole, 30 min lessons. Infants 18 months - 2.5 years (Maximum of 8 children per class)

A program taught together with both parent/guardian and child. Offering a fun introduction through activities that provide:

  • Water familiarisation, confidence and safety
  • Breath control and submersion
  • Mobility and flotation

Frog, 30 min lessons. 2.5 years - 3 years (Maximum of 2 children per class)
  • This level prepares your child to swim independently with assistance. Instructors teach a variety of water survival skills vital for your child’s future swimming development.
Clownfish, 30 mins lesson. 3 years and over (Maximum of 3 children per class)
  • This level prepares your child to swim independently with assistance. Instructors teach a variety of water survival skills vital for your child's future swimming development.
  • Building confidence to swim independently over distance and with minimal assistance.
  • Teachers will use a range of progressive activities supplemented with the use of a variety of equipment. The use of different flotation aids is important, however dependence on them should be reduced and eliminated as soon as possible as this will increase students understanding and recognition that the water will support them with or without aids.
  • Consolidate gliding skills before adding propulsion on the front and back. Combine streamline glide with an alternate kick
  • Introduction to four arms freestyle
  • Freestyle - At this level the emphasis is to introduce four arms whilst maintain fast continuous flutter kicks and improve distance per stroke
  • Freestyle unilateral breathing - This is taught on the preferred side with the natural rotation of the shoulder to breathe
  • Backstroke - Maintain a six beat kick per arm cycle.
  • Dives - Sitting
  • Freestyle high elbow recovery over the surface of the waters is the main focus
  • Backstroke - The focus is on body position / rotation and a smooth arm changeover whilst maintaining a high body position
  • Dives - Squatting
  • Being balanced and on a horizontal plane
  • Various drills to improve body rotation whilst further developing freestyle and backstroke
  • Introduction to breaststroke
  • Dives - Kneeling
  • Towards advance stages of freestyle / backstroke / breaststroke to improve technique over distance and fatigue with increasing distances
  • Introduction to streamline push glide and fast flutter kicks beneath the surface of the water in readiness to introduce freestyle race starts
  • Implementation of various drills as an introduction to butterfly

It is at this stage of development where the children are coached in swimming and begin to learn skills associated with swimming as a sport. Children at this level are encouraged to become team members of Barker Aquatic Swim Club and enjoy the pathway through swimming competitively.

  • Introduction to basic competition skills in dives/starts/turns and finishes
  • Learning to read the pace clock
  • Follow written swim set instructions and learn basic training protocols when swimming in lanes
  • To apply learning the strokes and skills to a club night competition environment

What to Bring

  • Goggles and beginners - Until advised by your child’s instructor goggles are not required at this level. It is a safety aspect when learning to swim that the beginner learns to open their eyes in and under the surface of the water. Most beginners hate to put their eyes and face in the water but with gradual instruction and encouragement they will achieve the desired results.
  • Swimwear - Girls: full piece costume/towel/Group level swim cap/goggles
  • Swimwear - Boys: speedo costume/boy leg/thigh leg/towel/ group level cap/goggles
  • Rash Vest - for beginner level only: not recommended for children who are learning the strokes as it restricts their movements

Please Note: Due to current restrictions, we are no longer able to lend out swim costumes or towels.